Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. These guidelines are advisory only. These guidelines have not been agreed with government or any liability insurers or trade bodies. Any views or opinions represented in this blog/discussion are personal and belong solely to the blog owner. These guidelines have been written for and on behalf of CLB Mobile Beauty for use in their business and for freelance therapists working on behalf of CLB Mobile Beauty. Mobile beauty therapists and beauty professionals must always check with their personal insurer, government guidelines and trade bodies before commencing treatment on paying clients.
Check your insurance
Before commencing work as a mobile therapist, entering peoples homes, it is vital to check your liability insurance prior to resuming work. Check their website for guidelines on safe working practices, procedures and hygiene recommendations to make sure you are adhering to their guidelines.
Message your clients
As an organised, social media savvy therapist you will already have been keeping in regular contact with your clients throughout lockdown. Clients should be aware of your COVID statement on your website or social media, and they should be up to speed on the steps you are taking to keep your updated working practices COVID secure.
However, as we know, mobile is such a personal service, so make sure you contact them as soon as we get the go ahead from government to begin practising again. If you are a busy therapist, you may already have a waiting list, so aim to contact those on your wait list first to give them top priority.
Update your website on new working practices
Make sure your website is fully up to date. You may want to include some of the points made here. For example, what PPE you will be wearing and the clients PPE requirements (client to wear mask) and how your normal working practice has changed. This way, you can direct your customers here and new clients will know, you are a trusted professional.
Ask clients to perform a risk assessment
If you visit the British Beauty Council website you can find the BABTAC issue back to work guidelines. Here it states that mobile therapists are strongly advised to work from home if they are able. This is not possible for many mobile therapists, therefore the advice is that clients carry out a risk assessment proving that all hygiene protocols have been carried out before the therapist attends the home. This can be sent to your client via email to be completed and signed before arrival.
Decide your work radius and stick to it
As a mobile, it is unavoidable that we have to travel between our clients door to door. During the COVID crisis it is advisable you maintain a strict working radius, for example you may want to keep that to within 5 miles of your own home.
Set a daily client maximum
Try to set a daily maximum number of clients you are prepared to visit. You may want to offer just one or two late nights to begin with. This will limit the number of homes you are visiting on the one day, thus reducing the risks of cross infection/transmitting the virus.
Only have contact in the home with the person you are visiting
As mobile therapists we quickly get to know the other people in the household. This is what makes the service so special and incredibly personal. However, times have changed and we must remind clients upon booking that we are only able to see them at the home. Not members of their family. This will help with social distancing and reduce the risk to yourself and your client base.
Hand washing
Wash your hands on arrival with soap and water for the recommended time (20 seconds happy birthday)
Ask that your client washes their hands as you arrive following the guidelines above.
Wash your hands before you leave your clients house following the guidelines above.
Ask that your client washes their hands as you leave following the guidelines above.
Use hand gel with 60% alcohol consistently throughout the appointment. Always gel your hands before applying your gloves and after you have removed them. All PPE should be put on and removed in line with HSE guidance.
*links to University College London NHS Foundation Trust at the bottom of the page – how to put on and remove PPE.
Clients to provide their own towels
To prevent cross infection it is advisable for mobile therapists to ask clients to provide their own towels.
Clients to have windows open and good ventilation
Ask your client, prior to your arrival, to open the windows and ensure the service in being carried out in a well ventilated area of the house.
Using the toilet at your clients home
Following the government guidelines you can use the toilet once inside your clients home, however you must clean this after use.
Accepting tea/coffee snacks and beverages
We must not accept tea, coffee, snacks, soft drinks or any other form of refreshments at our clients home.
Update your consultation cards including a COVID disclaimer
Ask every client, new and existing to complete a fresh consultation card with a COVID disclaimer. This should then be updated at each appointment and signed every time, prior to treatment commencing (again check individual insurance requirements/guidelines)
Check your stock levels and PPE
The industry is ready for an onslaught of clients. So check your stock levels are up to date and ready to go. Many wholesalers such as Alan Howard for example are doing telephone orders and social distancing collection, this may be a better option than waiting for online orders to arrive if you need stock quickly.
The PPE guidelines are disposable gloves, disposable mask, disposable apron and visor. It is vital you ensure you are fully stocked with the recommended PPE before commencing work.
I recommend Ellison’s for PPE as they have a superb range and are a well stocked and trusted supplier.
Alan Howard – www.alanhoward.co.uk
*note always buy PPE from professional trusted hair and beauty stockists.
Arriving at your clients home – mask on
Arrive at your clients home with your mask on. Ask your client to have their mask on upon your arrival. If your client does not have a mask, supply them with one of yours. It is acceptable to charge a small fee for each mask supplied. Remove your mask when you have packed up your car and are ready to drive away.
Organise your car
A well organised car will help to reduce your movement in and out of clients homes.
At this moment in time, and for the foreseeable future, it is vital you reduce your movement in and out of your car as you move your equipment into your clients home. Make sure you travel light, keep your wax pot and wax sundries in a plastic box lined with disposable couch roll after each use. If the box is plastic wipe with disinfectant after every client.
If you offer both shellac and normal manicures/pedicures make sure you have a different case packed for each. One for Shellac, one for normal polish. This way you can quickly access them from the boot of your car, significantly reducing your movement in and out of the clients home.
For lash and brow services I would also recommend plastic cases and containers with minimal product in each. Wipe with disinfectant after every client.
Portable couch should be wiped with disinfectant after each client including the outer carry case. Fresh hygiene roll for each client and disposed of.
Do not use an electric foot spa. Plastic foot baths with disposable liners disposed of after each client. I recommend Belava and can be purchased online or at Creative Academy Manchester http://www.creativeacademymanchester.co.uk/trade-salon-supplies/
The rest of your equipment such as skincare, can be placed in trolleys or small beauty cases. Once again I always advise mobile therapists to keep things light, save your back and reduce time moving in and out of your clients homes.
Finally, ensure you have a small box of spare sundries and PPE to hand in your boot. As a mobile, you can’t afford to be caught short on equipment, so always make sure you are fully stocked up whilst on the move.
In car cleanliness
Ensure you have disinfect wipes/spray and hand gel in your car. After each appointment wipe all surfaces in the car you have come in to contact with, e.g. steering wheel, gear stick, door handles and hand brake.
Have a sterilisation area back at home
All tools should be sanitised or disposed of after each client. However, I would also recommend at the end of each day, to take your tools inside and sterilize them overnight in BARBICIDE or the equivalent.
You may also wish to purchase a UV cabinet to use at home.
For any other hygiene and sterilisation advice refer to your professional body guidelines, e.g. BABTAC
*always follow manufacturers instructions
Washed at the end of the day, separately from your other garments 60 degrees. Hair should be tied back, no polish, no acrylic nails.
If you do not have a card facility, ask your clients to pay you via bank transfer. This avoids cash handling.
Most importantly enjoy your time back with your clients. Remember beauty is such a personal and enjoyable service, and we know only too well, that our clients have missed our services throughout the lockdown.
I know it has been a difficult time for our industry, but we are notoriously resilient and passionate about what we do, and I am certain we will all be quick to adapt to our new ways of working very soon.
University College London NHS Foundation Trust https://youtu.be/tTZvXudABCg